
Are you thinking about starting an online business?

Are you worried you will fail? Do you have trouble seeing yourself as a successful business owner? Then you landed at the right place!

We're David & Amanda McCarty, we started our online business from scratch with doubts and objections and we are killin' it!

We want to hear your objections, fears and we want you to tell us why it won't work for you. Because, we know why people fail… When you join our team, failure is not an option!

Through hope, failure, and optimization, I find success.

Success ∀=∪(F∝[H={Vx+Sy+Cz}])

Our journey of starting a successful online business started slowly…

One of us (David) was able to see the big picture of opportunity and success very easily, the other (Amanda) not so much.

David enrolled in the course and immediately started trying to figure out what worked for him.

And before long was earning commissions and quickly went from a few hundred to over a thousand.

Let me tell how this unfolded for me..

It was late afternoon.

I was folding my laundry,  waiting on David to return from the gas station. (He was filling up my gas tank for work the next day)

My phone rings. It's David… (damn, miss me already??)


BABE!!!!” He screams

Startled, I respond “Jesus, what is it????”




I freeze, standing, holding the phone to my ear.

I hear him talking but I can't respond…

My first thought was, “do I love him enough to risk prison?”

See I believed this online money was a part of a Ponzi scheme or something.

I believed that he'd give up long before getting rich, hell long before making a thousand dollars…

Speechless, as my mind flashed and I saw it.

Well, me.

Mrs. Amanda McCarty, receiving her unwanted 15 minutes of fame.

Yes, me celebrating this unwanted 15 minutes, at 1800 hours with the nation. 


I saw it. Me, them, in color, UHD!!!


Walking out of work. Slapped in the face…

The world is watching the shock on my face as the questions are shouted, “Mrs. McCarty, Did you know your husband was a scam artist? Were you involved? We're the one talking people into handing over their life savings?”

My heartbeat increases.

No, No, No, NOOOOO

I drop my head.

I look at the ground, pick up the pace.

The questions continue, getting louder.

Now a crowd draws as I make my way down the sidewalk leading from the ER to my car.

Oh it is a bright shinning beautiful day too!

As I'm rushing my way to my car, I'm thinking “If only it were winter… cold, gloomy and pouring the rain… I would have a better way to block my shameful face from these media cameras”.


That's exactly what I saw as David called to celebrate his first big sale!!

Nope, not this girl.

Not going to jail for you fool.

Nope, nope, nope!!! I ain't gonna be the Mrs. Madoff!!

I knew asking him to stop wasn't an option. I didn't feel like I could justify divorce. I am also a really terrible liar so what options did I have???

Prove I was right!! It's a scam!

The Investigation

I needed proof this affiliate marketing gig, was a scam.

I mean, really… do you know how many people said it was a scam?

After all people said they tried and failed.

And it like came out of know where, RIGHT!! 


Yes, that's right, that's all I knew because it's all I paid attention too.

All the negativity. So now I had to prove I was right!!

Except, I proved otherwise. I was wrong!!!

I was so f*cking wrong!!

What I Really Found

I uncovered an abundance of opportunity, so much opportunity, life changing opportunity!!!

So why did people say it didn't work??

I had to know.

So I started studying success and failure and  uncovered success in away I have never seen before.

In his book, Everything is F*ucked, A Book About Hope, Mark Manson wrote, “To feel hope, we need to feel there’s a better future (our value), we need to feel as though we can get that better future (our self-control), and we need to find other people who share and support what we value (our community).”

What's interesting is the courses that teach you how to start your own online business has all of these…

Value, Self-Control and Community. Yet, some say they failed.

If I am going to promise success, I have to be able to back it up…

So I used my analytical brain to dive a bit deeper… Discussed it with David, and here's it is.

We, David and Amanda, are confident, that anyone can succeed in this business and furthermore if someone is struggling, we can pinpoint the problem and offer a solution.

If someone does not succeed, it is solely based on their choice to not succeed. The process, like learning to drive, play baseball or do cardiac surgery, is the same.

Success (∀) is the union (∪) of failure (F) proportional (∝) to hope (H) with variable change (x, y, x)

***this is how Amanda's brain approaches everything…

∀ = for all
Hope = (Values + Self-control + Community)
Variable change (x, y, x) is optimization
Failure = the pursuit of hope through action and change

Simply, “Through hope, failure, and optimization, I find success.”
Hope: H= V+S+C
If I could buy a better house for my family, my family and I would have more space, and security and thusly, live a better life
  1. Hope =V a bigger house, S by making more money, and C a happier family, support system
    1. Start an Online Affiliate Marketing Business –
    2. More money to pay off debt
    3. Better credit to qualify for home loan
  2. Hope = V learning skills, S applying skills, C sharing my results
    1. Take a course and get a mentor
    2. Learn the processes and skills
    3. Apply processes and skills
  3. Hope = V receive feedback, S optimize, C share and repeat
    1. Receive Feedback
    2. Make changes
    3. Perfect my skills

Iteration (practice) and Compound Results!

Everything affects everything.

Compounding positive results by change is improvement, this is the key to growth, and growth is success.

If we feel sad, live bad or surround ourself with negativity, it compounds. If we don't adjust anything, nothing changes, compound results of no change is the ultimate failure.

Change nothing, everything stays the same.

To become successful in any area of our life optimization is crucial.

Optimization is simply making minor changes in what we do, to get the results we want…

Improving the application of our processes to maximize our results. We become “action takers” by doing what we have learned, seen, or been inspired to do. We uncover our weak areas and change things to improve our outcomes and get closer to our valued results. The repetition of this process is what leads us to growth, and success, and sets us on the invaluable path of happiness.

Feedback should come from something or someone that is trusted, consistent and reliable: Google Analytics, social media engagement, or experienced Coaches/Mentors and often overlooked our gut instinct.  Another important piece is we must be open and receptive. For feedback to be effective, we must be open to new ideas and willing to make changes. Prepare yourself to hear things that make you feel good but especially those that don’t. These come from critiques and suggestions. And remember, we must be willing to change ourselves and our ideas based on feedback otherwise it’s pointless to have.

Why do people fail?

They are missing a piece of the equation. They lack one of the key elements: value, self-control, or community.

For example, they value the results, not the process. They value the appearance of success, not the art of BECOMING successful. They want to be a changed person but, lack the self-control to develop new ways of living and health habits. Or they lack community and/or support, they are not receiving consistent reliable feedback to be able to optimize.

Interesting fact, if you take all the money in the world and distribute it evenly, that money will end up back where it started. There’s a massive difference in HAVING A MILLION DOLLARS and BEING A MILLIONAIRE.

If I handed you a million dollars, you have a million dollars. You will continue to live and spend like a person in poverty. The reason lottery winners often end up broke. This is also the reason why socialist governments fail.

Failure By Design

Socialist societies fail because they are designed to fail. Successful people know that we peasants, do not have the skills to keep the money they give for free. Therefore, it will all end up back in their hands. People like us, are fed a belief that equality will prevail, and when, by our own predictable actions, (predictable because of our lack of knowledge), we continue to struggle.  The government then takes no responsibility for recouping their money. They shift the blame onto us for losing it.

If anyone wants you, me, our children, our family, friends even our enemies to truly be successful, they will offer to teach you the skills you need to achieve success. They would start by teaching the basics of finance and cash flow in primary school. They don’t do that. Why?

To Be In Control

It benefits the successful who've become greedy, to have you trapped, dependent, and minimally productive.

Their wealth grows, their businesses flourish, and their status climbs and climbs until they control all aspects of your life. Having you locked into and married to the company, they are able to control your time, your location, your emotions, your bank balance, and ultimately your self-value. Once we spend year after year, living paycheck to paycheck, requesting time off and being denied, suffering guilt for missing out with family and fear of what will be waiting for us when we return to work after calling in, we lose our self-value. Being an adult at work and being treated like we're in grade school again. Yes, it's not healthy. Hence, the rise in mental health problems.

But they had a very large flaw in their plan. They underestimated the power of knowledge and the will of the people. Since the explosion of the internet, e-books, audio books, podcasts, YouTube, blogs and beyond, knowledge is everywhere.

People, especially us peasants, want what’s best for ourselves and others.

We are neurologically wired to challenge ourselves and succeed.

Once upon a time, it took a lot of effort to seek information to overcome our self-limiting beliefs. How could checking out self-help books from the library or buying them from a bookstore not be noticed. Not to mention the stigma around needing help. So we just kept up the act and make ourselves believe that we can’t do any better because we didn't know any better.

Now we do! Let's call it, the commode slap!

The Commode Slap

There you are, scrolling Facebook or watching TikTok sitting on the commode.

Pants unfastened, wrinkles stacked, the waist is now brushing against your midcalf…

You grunt, push and just as your turd hits the water…  a stranger appears, he/she's telling you there's a better way…

(Don't be shy, everyone with a smartphone uses it while pooping!)


Back to you on the commode…

At that random, yet intimate moment, without searching, someone shows you the light!

You might not fully trust them, but they capture your attention.

Because you asked for it. Yep, you did!

You can hear yourself say it, you do it day after day…

You say to yourself these words, “Lord, tell me, there's gotta be a better way”, “Show me there's a better way”.

BOOOMM!! He heard you, he showed you the way…

Okay, okay, we understand… you weren't expected a new way, a better way to slap you in the face, on the toilet, definitely wasn't expecting it to come with a cold splash on your bum...

It's sensory overload, you're not sure how to react.

So You sit there. Naked and afraid. You sit, you watch again and you have doubt, but you are curious.

You start watching. You start searching. You are seeking the truth.

Then it happens, you see the one. The one like you.

All it takes is for us to see one person we relate to do it, and then we realize, if they can, so can I.

And this is the exact reason I am writing this post.

The Struggle is a Choice

This post is to show you the process of success. This is intended to give you knowledge so you can evaluate your life, support and desire to become more and see what is missing.

If it's community and support that's missing, it's your luckiest day. That is what we, David and Amanda do for you… No extra money either.

You have just made leaps and bounds by shifting your beliefs, we know money is tight, time is tight, and people will struggle to understand. We've been there and we got this.

We want better for you, if you do too, Let's go!!

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